How To Get More Energy





Kind of piggybacking and stacking on that and you know there are some situations where I just need like a serious dose of energy and I don't want to reach for coffee.


I don't want you to reach for coffee either!


Truth be known I fell off the wagon for a while and I've been doing some of that, but I went and I noticed that a few times when I had to go into certain situations, I really was grateful for having that energy, which from the green juices I really hadn't had for many months and I started to imagine that it might be OK if I were eating enough meat regularly that I could, in this situation eat some meat soaked in lemon juice for that fuel?


You better not, not a good idea because it will interfere with the digestability of the red meat.

It doesn't do it with white meat for some reason in my experimentation with people it doesn't interfere with proper digestion of the meat.

The reason I say that mainly for women, what happens if they mix the lemon juice with red meat, it has a tendency to turn into acetone- acetate, which is a fat.

So if you want pyruvate to burn the fat that you have, and to have more strength and it's better not to mix lemon juice with your meat.

[Attendee #2]

It's pyruvate?


Pyruvate is a sugar made from from proteins.

And Acetones can be made from anything except fat, you could eat carbohydrates and body will turn some of those carbohydrates into an acetate- an acetone.

And same with meat

It's a it's a fat made off of other substance other than fat.

That's usually the fat stores in the body heavily.


So if- what her question was she wanted to eat some red meat in a way that it would give her more energy.


I understand that.


So would the avocado or green juice with the meat?


No, I'm going to get into that, OK.

I explained this several times before when I took the Los Angeles Police Department in the city of LA to federal court.

I was my own attorney and I was only able to get an hour and a half sleep a day 'cause I had to prepare for the next day, and I had 22 cops up there on the witness stand, at least 8 a day for two weeks.

They were interfering with the runaways working on Venice Beach. I had enough of them, so I followed suit on. Anyway, during that time I was only able to sleep an hour and a half a day and I slept in 10 minute increments.

What I would do to keep my energy level up and my focus, my mental balances I would eat every hour. I would eat either a couple of golf ball sizes of meat, like a half a cup of meat.

Next hour would be an egg next hour would be 1/2 a cup of milk with extra cream.

I never ate enough to satiate my body, but enough to keep from getting uncomfortably hungry. And that keeps the energy level up, very high. It's difficult to get sleepy when you're doing-


That seems to kind of resonate with what I've been hearing about the calorie restriction diet that they say never to eat more than a cup of food at a time.


Yeah, but you're not going to get healthy doing that.

I mean, that's just if you need energy for a long sustained period of time.

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